Lion Safari - Know More About The Lions - Rajgir Zoo Safari

In Rajgir Zoo Safari, the lions are known as Asiatic lions which is a subspecies of Persian lions. Know more about lions found in Rajgir Zoo Safari
Rajgir Zoo Safari is a modern zoo built in Bihar. It is very popular because of its new style of safari. Here, for the safety of the animals, they have been kept at different places. Which is called safari, like Herbivore Safari, Bear Safari, Leopard Safari, Tiger Safari and Lion Safari. Among the visitors, the lion remains the most favourite animal here.

The lions found in Rajgir Zoo Safari are called Asiatic lions. These Asiatic lions are also called Persian lions, which is the name of a species of Panthera leo. The surprising fact is that Asiatic lions can survive only in the forests of India. The Gir forest of Gujarat is their favourite habitat. Along with this, Asiatic lions were also seen in Turkey, Arabia, Mesopotamia, and Pakistan. However, due to the increase in population, it is now limited to India only.
Asiatic lions in rajgir zoo safari
Asiatic lions in rajgir zoo safari
Asiatic lions in rajgir zoo safari
Asiatic lions in rajgir zoo safari

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Rajgir Zoo Safari has a total of seven female Asiatic lions. The male lion has not been brought here. All these females like to live together. During the safari, the lion is the only animal which can be seen easily by everyone. All other animals like to stay hidden away from humans. In future, more lionesses will be brought here along with male lions will also be brought here. Keep in mind that lions are animals that quickly get angry while harassing them or do mischief by people.

The Asiatic lion is a pure carnivorous creature. Deer, Nilgai, boar, and buffalo are their favourite prey. Sometimes they have also been seen hunting domestic cattle. Asiatic lions always prefer to hunt live animals, rather than eat prey already dead or killed by other animals. An adult Asiatic lion can eat 30 to 50 kg of meat at a time.

Asiatic lions like to live in groups and also use group tactics for hunting. Their group may include 10 to 20 lions. The female lion provides food and takes care of the children, while the male lion protects the area. A healthy Asiatic lion has a lifespan of 30 years. Compared to females, male lions have much larger hair and beard, which makes them easier to identify.